Telekom Slovenia - LIVE FREELY
Client: Telekom Slovenia Agency: DDB Slovenia ProdCo. Super16 Post Production: Lalaland + Kerozine They say that no two snowflakes are alike. Each is a world in itself. Unique. Unrepeatable. Just like you. You can choose many paths. It is up to you and only you. Where you turn, which door you open, which world you visit. But there is only one way which leads you to your destination. Telekom Slovenia. Live freely. This was one of those occasion where I could work on my mix-media project on a much larger scale. Most of the “VFX” in this TV commercial are actually in-camera tricks, practical FX, simple optical illusions created on set. Fun note: you should have seen electricians faces staring at me at 2am while trying to bring home the last shot of the day, a flying frame attached to a fishing wire that were supposed to land on the wall in between other framed photos…Priceless! So much fun!